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Toyota AB60E/F 6-Speed Automatic Transmission Power flow

Автор: WeberAuto Длительность: 00:12:17
Нравится 0 Не нравится 0 Просмотров: 14 718
Опубликовал: 01.09.2016
Weber State University (WSU) - Automotive Technology Department - Tran...
Weber State University (WSU) - Automotive Technology Department - Transmission Lab. Toyota AB60E and AB60F 6-Speed Automatic Transmission Power flow. The AB60E/F is built by Aisin, a Toyota owned company.  This transmission is typically used in 2007 and newer Toyota Tundra and 2008 and newer Toyota Sequoia vehicles with the 5.7L Engine. This transmission uses a simple planetary gear set to drive a Simpson planetary gear set (common sun gears)

This video helps demonstrate NATEF Task A2.C.10. " Diagnose transmission/transaxle gear reduction/multiplication concerns using driving, driven, and held member (power flow) principles.", a priority 2 task.

Download the AB60E/F Power Flow Table here: http://departments.weber.edu/automotive/T-TEN/AB60E%20Transmission%20Operation.pdf


This video was created and edited by John D. Kelly at WSU.  For a full biography, see http://www.weber.edu/automotive/John_Kelly.html
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