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45RFE 545RFE 68RFE Solenoid Block Service Kit- Feature Series

Автор: CascadeTransParts Длительность: 00:04:10
Нравится 0 Не нравится 0 Просмотров: 865
Опубликовал: Виктор Василев 01.08.2016
Check out our website for all of the parts discussed in this video. 4...
Check out our website for all of the parts discussed in this video.

45RFE/545RFE Solenoid Block Service Kit 2WD: http://www.cascadetransmissionparts.com/45rfe545rfesolenoidblockservicekit2wd.aspx

45RFE/545RFE Solenoid Block Service Kit 4WD: http://www.cascadetransmissionparts.com/45rfe545rfesolenoidblockservicekit4wd.aspx

68RFE Solenoid Block Service Kit 2WD:

68RFE Solenoid Block Service Kit 4WD:

Cascade Transmission Parts will be distributing at least one video per week, where we cover many different topics such as inspecting parts for damage, installation processes, and parts features.  This is a short introduction video on a special prduct that Cascade Transmission Parts carries a 45RFE, 545RFE, 68RFE, 65RFE, and 66RFE Solenoid Block Service Kit.  We offer nearly every part to rebuild any Automatic Transmission.

Link to other video discussed in this video. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w2v7Sn5py7U

Contact us through our website at http://www.CascadeTransmissionParts.com we are happy to address any questions there.

All technical support questions are answered via email at [email protected]

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